Wednesday, July 11, 2012

You Ever Have One of Those Days?

You know, the ones where absolutely everything goes right?

That was yesterday for me and while grateful for it, I am still confused by it. Such a thing has not happened for me in many years. The only reason I know that has been so long is because I could not remember anything like it at all. It felt surreal, though I did remember to be thankful for the day. Even the little things all went perfectly.

Today should be more normal. It is time to pull books off of a book shelf and move it next to the HDTV, since the video collection has outgrown the built in storage in the living room. I can tell the Lyme Disease is pretty much gone by the fact that such a physical thing is on my to do list.

I also seem to be mentally sharper than recent memory records. Whether it is the NADH kicking in or getting over the Lyme bout, I cannot say. It could be both for all I know. What I do know is that writing and rewriting multiple reviews came easily instead of like pulling teeth, which is the norm for me.

1 comment:

Hanny said...

Well, for whatever reason it came I'm glad that you had a good day and that things are bright. Be well!